Man Uses Coins to Make $3,000 Down Payment for Car Purchase in Brazil

Man Uses Coins to Make $3,000 Down Payment for Car Purchase in Brazil
Man Uses Coins to Make $3,000 Down Payment for Car Purchase in Brazil (Instagram / @rocadomotosecarros)

A group took two days to count just over $3,000 in coins used as a down payment for a car in Florianópolis, Brazil.

The process was done manually by Priscila Raupp, a merchant and sister of the car dealership owner, who called in employees for help. The coins were sorted, labeled, and weighed in plastic bags to ensure accuracy.

+ Click here to see the video of the case

The sale took place on August 19, when the customer brought 13 water jugs full of coins to pay part of the 2015 Honda City, which cost $11,500 in total.

According to John Raupp, owner of Roçado Motors e Carros, it was the most unusual situation he has faced in his 14 years of business.

Source: G1 | Photos: Instagram (@rocadomotosecarros) | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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